Sunday, November 9, 2008

Condom Found in Meat

FLORIDA---A Tallahassee woman buys meat at a grocery store in Quincy, Florida and is shocked to find a prophylactic surprise inside.

Patricia Gibson says she bought a package of meat from IGA food store in Quincy, Florida, on Wednesday, and on Saturday afternoon when she opened the package, she found what she says she never expected... a condom... embedded in her container of packed pigs feet.

"So when I was flipping it, I saw the bigger piece stuck down on the meat, and that's when I started making phone calls," said Patricia Gibson, after discovering the condom.

Disgusted and in disbelief, she called family over to get second and third opinions.

"I'm a hundred percent, just look at it, that's a condom," says Patricia Gibson's Niece, Ja-Condria Gibson.

After family members agreed, Gibson called the manager of IGA, and told him what she'd found.

She says the manager asked her "what he was supposed to do about it?"

Angry, Gibson called the Havana Police Department, and Officer Milton Lacey responded to investigate.

"This, that's a serious health issue. I mean, what if people are buying other packages of meat, and something like that's ground up in it? That's not right. That's disgusting," said Havana Police Officer, Milton Lacey.

Lacey says at first he thought it could be a latex glove, but after returning to compare the two, he says they have different textures, and the object is too big to be a finger hole of a glove.

"That's a ring that would match a condom," said Officer Lacey.

The manager of IGA says pigs feet are packaged in house, but he says there's no way a condom could be in his meat, saying he is certain his employees are not engaging in any sexual activity in the meat department.

Havana police secured the evidence at Gibson's home in Havana, and told her to contact the Health Department so the state may do a thorough investigation of IGA's food preparation.

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