Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Felt Sick For Days Over What I Found In My Pot Noodle

WORCESTER, England - A disabled woman from Worcester said she felt sick after eating a fast food snack and finding what she thought was two false nails in the product.

Mary Tyler as half way through eating her favourite instant snack of a chicken and mushroom Pot Noodle when she found the foreign objects inside.

“They were dark and I think it was a false nail, but it could be a bit of plastic off a machine,”(Thats not much better!) she said.

“But I just felt sick and for four days it made me feel really ill. But what also worried me is that I keep Pot Noodles in my cupboard for my grandchildren for when they come round, and if it had been them eating it, they could have choked on it.”

The 62-year-old, who lives on Glenthorne Avenue, Brickfields said she was disappointed.

“I had bought a pack of four and the other three were perfect. But this was just horrible. Pot Noodles are quick and easy to make and we love eating them. But I’m not sure I will buy them now,” she said.

Mrs Tyler, who has breathing problems, has to walk with a stick and is diabetic, contacted Pot Noodle to complain about what she had found at the end of January.

The company has promised to send her some vouchers as compensation, which she is yet to receive.

She said: “I am happy with what they offered me, but I’m just upset that it happened in the first place. It just made me feel very sick and put me off my food.”

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