Friday, October 24, 2008

Rat Problem Is Out Of Control

BALTIMORE -(The Examiner, September 14, 2007) Mount Hebron High School students received unwelcome visitors Wednesday (September 12, 2007) when they sat down to eat in the cafeteria — six rats fell from the ceiling onto their table.

The 42-year-old Ellicott City school has struggled with infestation and sewage problems since last year when wastewater leaked from the ceiling in several rooms, sprinkling teachers and students during exams, teachers said. Principal David Brown told The Examiner on the first day of classes that the rodent, sewage and other safety issues were resolved despite a report suggesting there were still serious structural, lead and asbestos problems. School and county officials concealed a county report from parents for nearly 13 months.

“They lie,” said one of several teachers who spoke to The Examiner under the condition of anonymity. “They lie about everything. If this was a restaurant, they would shut it down.” “The rats have been an ongoing problem,” another teacher said. “They went on public record and said it was solved, but it’s not solved. There’s a trust factor now with the [county’s] central office. It’s gotten to the point that when kids see a rat, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s laughable. I feel sorry for the Mount Hebron administration.”

Mark Hardin, a pest-management specialist, called it “an isolated incident,” and said it was only “one rat” and a “few babies.” “The rats are all over the building and they are not confined to one area,” another teacher said. “We’re not talking about little rats; we’re talking about big rats. Rats have diseases and we don’t want anybody to get hurt.”

The infestation problems combined with safety problems prompted more than 100 teachers and staff to sign a petition demanding the school board take immediate action. Teachers almost ran into a roadblock when school officials decided to hold back-to-school night on the same night of the board meeting. When the teachers told the principal they would not attend the volunteer back-to-school night, the parent night was changed.

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