Friday, October 24, 2008

I'll Have Pancakes And A Rat Bite.

(Fresno California, January 13, 2007) Ellington Jordan says he came to this downtown Fresno IHOP, located at 3020 Tulare Street,hungry but left irritated and flustered, after an unexpected encounter with what the health department says was a rat. Jordan says, "It went halfway up my ankle, went down, and then came back up and went down again." Gentry Green was eating with Jordan and says he noticed the rodent first. He says, "I yelled out and when I yelled I guess it scared the rat and it ran across his foot and up his leg."

Jordan has seen a doctor. He says the rat bit Mr. Jordan, and left marks on his leg. The Fresno County Health Department says an inspection proved the restaurant did have a noticeable problem. Fresno Co. Health Department's Jim Brunton says, "We could see evidence that there had been rodents in the establishment."

IHOP voluntarily closed the restaurant for a day and a half while a sign on the door said they were closed for repairs. A company spokesman said the restaurant has been thoroughly treated and the problem has been taken care of. An IHOP spokesperson says, "We became aware of this guests concern and when we learned of it we did take immediate action. We recognize that guests deserve a restaurant that is clean and operated properly."

Jordan says he's an IHOP regular. On average he eats here 2 to 3 times a week, but he isn't so sure he'll return again. He says, "I already have a phobia I'm never going to go and sit against the wall, that's never going to happen because you never know what's gonna come out from underneath the walls."

Health officials say a pest control company trapped two rats inside the restaurant. IHOP says Jordan's experience was an isolated incident.

Jordan says the restaurant gave him a $50 gift certificate for the ordeal. He's not sure if he'll sue, but he does have an attorney.

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